For businesses supporting their teams
Subject Matter Experts (Immersive)

Strength and Balance Instructors VIDEO Course
Falls prevention has been part of our portfolio since 2012 and educating about falls reduction since 2006. This is the “How to” for older adults in communities & digital.
Strength, balance and getting older. A short course for Carers
We know the importance of keeping as well as possible and that includes daily activity. Introducing a short course on strength and balance.

Menopause First Aid in the Workplace
Many firms are in danger of losing some of their most experienced women due to menopause. As employers what could you do to retain them? Menopause first aid addresses the challenges that symptoms can bring in the work environment.

Smile and Reflect Dementia
Music based seated activities which are suitable for cognitive impairment and forms of dementia. Seen in Memory Cafes, Dementia Homes and Home Care sessions to address mental agility and happiness. The reminiscence, reflective and de-stressing method to promote a sense of wellbeing & calmness.
You are here to become an iCareiMove Trainer through our immersive program.
This is to specialise in Health and Wellbeing as a Coach, Facilitator, Speaker and Trainer.
If working for a larger organisation it is recommended to get in touch for a bespoke price plan for your team.
To become a Trainer, there are several stages that you will need to go through in your readiness to teach. You will learn how to manage a classroom and the learners, assess and feedback, deliver specific courses and instruct following our method and our magic.
The Seven Stages of Our Training are;
- Participate
- Observe
- Know Your Subject
- Team Teach
- Practice Teaching
- Know Your People
- Deliver
There is a subscription associated with this training.
Clear goals are associated with learning which helps you to learn with ease and speed. By the end of this course you will be able to:
- Define training, facilitating and presenting
- Observe, study and learn your chosen subject
- Understand how to identify participants’ training needs
- Create a lesson plan that incorporates the range of learning preferences
- Create an active, engaging learning environment
- Develop visual aids and supporting materials
- Manage difficult participants and tough topics.
Train the Trainer
- Train the Trainer
- Presenting for Health Specialists
- Mindivator
- Menopause First Aid
- Healthy Ageing
Train The Trainer
- Train the Trainer
- Presenting for Health Specialists
- Strength and Balance
- Resilience
- Healthy Ageing
Stress Management! Motivation for the Mind. To understand how stress manifests in the body and the mind. Mental health and mental wellness is covered in this subject. Solutions include understanding mindfulness practise and how to create change with meditation.
Menopause First Aid
Teaching foundations around Menopause and the possible symptoms, applying knowledge into a working environment (MANopause) and then pulling solutions together to address an area that in spite of inclusivity policies, menopause is still an area of taboo and dark secrets.
Strength and Balance
With falls costing the NHS over £2 billion each year, frailty, falling and confidence are still under appreciated. This training follows a method to keep people steady on their feet. This method is used in care and health sectors, draws from the evidence and proves that we can prevent falls.
Presenting for Health Specialists
Become an expert in the room. Our unique delivery of science, tech and creativity is designed to draw out the best version of you. You will follow a step by step process to become the expert in the subject matter and polish your presenting skills to the highest standards.
Imposter Syndrome
A leadership subject that can often be avoided by many businesses. More women than men suffer from Imposter Syndrome and once you get out of your own way, life takes on a new meaning. Using a 6 step method you will teach how to grow in your own confidence with impact and courage.
Bouncebackability The ability to give adversity a wink and grow. The science of happiness resonates with evolving businesses. Using evidenced based models to come back, feel stronger, more connected and pitched appropriately with crucial skills to create the happiest working environment.
Leadership, Growth & Relevance
Staying competitive and relevant in your market is more important now than ever. But to be in a position of relevance, training and development must be added to the list of ingredients that create your success.
A well-trained and motivated workforce is essential for a thriving business, and that is where the train-the-trainer model comes into the picture.
Having an internal training program is a powerful way to ensure that employees learn to quickly acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to perform well in their jobs.
But how do you make sure that you have the capacity to effectively train employees at a scale? By making your employees subject matter experts who are capable of teaching their colleagues via the train-the-trainer model.
“Leaders have the freedom to be more inclusive. They are rewarded for sharing their wisdom for the betterment of the business. They embrace diversity of thought, appreciate differences and see and seize previously unseen opportunities. They see, sow, grow and share opportunities with courage not complacency. They play to win because they desire to be significant for the betterment of a healthier whole. Possibilities for transformation through a growth mindset are unlimited.”.
Why invest in the Immersive Train the Trainer?
Boost client recruitment
Focus on staff retention
Reduce staff turnover churn
Happier customers
Attractive to new customers
Contact the team to discover the best options for you.