Prevent falling and Play
Hopping and jumping over the rock pools brings out the child in me. I am always delighted that for a moment the spring chicken in me is preventing my older me from falling. Prevention is not just for older adults by the way. Balance helps you stay steady on your feet, move better and prevent injuries.
Balance like anything in life, needs practise and it crosses over to everything we do in life.
Not only did I feel like I was lolloping like a gazelle, I felt childish, free of stress and simply had fun. Balance is never a chore but actually a wonderful thing to do. Even the simplest movements can make a difference.
It takes me back to my gymnastic days. I love the energy from scaling up and down the rocks. As a child, I spent much of my time in the Gower Peninsula in West Wales. With no t’interweb, all we did is rockpool and play by the sea.
So in one moment, I improved my balance, reminisced from my childhood, laughed and frolicked like no one was watching and simply had some fun.
Keep it Simple
A simple process such as wide based swaying and rocking movements can start to challenge the balance, the eye/ear balance and create more fluidity in the body. Try holding poses too. That is always fun and brilliant in preventing falls. Give it a try and repeat frequently. Better still tip toe walk or stand on one leg whilst cleaning your teeth or go rock hopping. The benefits of balance outweigh not giving it a go a million times over, so start now.
Falls Prevention is a big worry and a huge cost to the economy. It hurts when you fall, so work on your fall prevention now. We are all getting older, it is up to you how fast that happens.
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