From office desk to hospital bedside, these movements will make you feel strong, calm and have a sense of control.
The films are updated on a regular basis and we invite you to measure your progressions and see for yourself how the short but effective programs can make an impact on your health and wellbeing. With few excuses these days not to move your body, we have devised a series of videos that can be played from your bed and improve your strength, to help you to transfer safely, and to keep developing good health.
With the evidence suggesting that we should all move, we offer a range of solutions to improve wellbeing for those who may be bed-bound, post surgery or experiencing sick days with the Bed 2 chair© programme. Examples include working on bridges which can build spinal strength and leg power.
Strength and Balance© – The one that started it all. If you want to improve your balance, posture and strength of your bones, this is the one for you. Including films, PDF’s and an array of knowledge to help build strength and enhance balance and increase independence.
Sometimes we simply need to let go and drift off down memory lane. The iDance© programme lets you float and waltz, tango, salsa with sassiness and shimmy with sparkle. This is designed with fun first. All the science is taken care of, simply follow as best as you can with the steps on the films.
A music download is available for you too. In our busy 24/7 digital world sometimes we need to take time to relax. Audio, films and downloads are available so we can tune in, turn off and de-stress. iRepose© successfully calms the mind and helps to refocus energy.
Used in businesses and as a stress management tool. Films can be streamed at any time of day and night. With our growing concern around being fit and active at 50, we have designed Elixir Fitne55© to work the heart, the mind and keep you steady on your feet without wrecking your body. Short, fast and modified for all levels of capability, this can be used in the office or as a quickie before the day starts. The Elixir Fitne55© program is progressive and we provide support to keep you on track.
We have a large and varied playlist of fitness videos, audios and downloadable material. To give you a free taster of what we offer, we have put together a collection of ‘fitness hacks’ – these are short videos which demonstrate useful techniques, but also allow you to see the professional and engaging quality of our videos