Hip Opener Child’s Pose – Knee drop (not on training film)
The safest place to be. raining from the mat gives great feedback to the body. So much variety in options from here.
Child’s Pose – toes together, knees wide. Shift your weight forwards and drop hips and float backwards. Work within your comfortable range. Feel the shoulders power up. Feel the spine elongating.
Flex knees, move forward so you start on the fleshy part of the top of your knees. Draw heels towards the bottom. Maintain 3 quarter plank. Drop your feet like windscreen wipers to one side and then the other.
Too intense? Work within a comfortable range of movement.
Scapula Push Up
Retraction – Protraction
Start in three-quarter press up or four point kneeling. Straight line from your shoulders, hips to knee.
Nothing moves except shoulders. Keep your arms straight. Drop your ribcage and then lift your ribcage.
Transition : Lay thighs down, pubic bone, belly, chest and fully stretch out
Shoulder Mobiliser Combo
Arms out to the sides, 90 degree at elbow as your setup, feet in the corners of your mat.
Press the ground away with forearms and hands, lift chest, keep chin aligned and tucked slightly. Relax glutes.
Then squeeze shoulder blades and lift chest, fully extend arms and stretch towards the corners and beyond of your mat. Tighten bottom and lift legs away from the ground, point the toes.
Feel long and lifted – use your breath.
Take hold of one ankle, drawing it into the outside of the hip. Then grab the second ankle. Move your body to get into the position. Walk shoulder blades together.
Start to lift your bottom and your hip as high as you can. Squeeze shoulder blades together. Lower downwards – continue to hold ankles and draw knees and thighs together.
Continue to repeat and walk and wiggle your body. It gets easier with repetition.
Keep wiggling and jiggling, come back down.
Transition to rolling like a ball. Then into supine.
Double Leg Stretch
90 degrees at the hips and 90 at the knees. Maintain rib placement as you circle the arms overhead. If the load is too much, take your legs higher. Feel the softness in the legs.
Now settle into a relaxed position. Choose how you want to position yourself for mindfulness and meditation.