One of the most important things about Pilability is that you and your clients enjoy the class.
By building a relationship with your clients, you can really deliver a group session whilst tailoring it to their individual needs.
Be confident in your delivery. Teach, observe and coach your clients. You can set them up with the moves and then coach to ensure they are able to perform the exercises, coach them with adaptations, to improve or to progress.
When you notice them, and help them, they appreciate it and it makes them feel good.
Work through the elements in order and you will feel the flow of the session.
All of the Elements in the Pilability session will support Ageing by moving the joints and muscles in full range of movement patterns.
We address fear and replace it with confidence by starting with small movements and progressing into larger ones.
We work through the whole body and most importantly, we work with specific abilities by getting to know the individual clients.
At the end of the session, thank your clients and let them know if they did well or have improved. It makes a difference to you just being an instructor or becoming “their instructor”.