Life is a Journey
Not a Destination.
Find your purpose with my Instructional Courses.
Want to have more direction? Want to put the pieces of the life puzzle together in a way that you find the best version of yourself? Then work with Helen Tite and her team with coaching sessions that can be transformational.
Life Coaching
Drawing from Helen’s life as a Personal Trainer, Life Coach and Wellness Therapist, Helen will coach you through a series of sessions to help you grow. Helen has worked with individuals around the world and played a part of the life journey to create change.
Business Coaching
Entrepreneur and multiple business owner, Helen Tite firstly and foremost believes in shine theory.The ability to shine light and support other businesses. Her out of the box thinking style opens up creative and focus on starting and growing flourishing businesses.

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Doors open infrequently for New Client Coaching.
Sign up to be in the next group of coaching clients and see the difference in your life and your thinking.
Muse Coaching & Mentoring
Many people often mistake a life coach for a mental health professional such as a psychiatrist or a therapist. This misconception often leads people to beleive they do not need a life coach since they feel as though nothing is wrong with their mental health. However, a Muse Life Coach is designed to help improve a person’s life by working with them to acheive their goals.
With our Muse Life Coaching Course Level 2, participants will discover the meaning of life coaching and how life coaching services can be utilised to acheive goals.
iCareiMove Group Coaching
Our Coaching program is formed in small groups where you learn about yourself and recognise support from peers. It’s an affordable way to grow and develop your own goals. In the program which can vary in the forms of tasks, zoom meetups, 1-2-1 peer mentoring and action learning sets. Coaching is a process of relationship building and setting goals where we address the whole of you and what makes you develop.
Learning to share and work alongside other leaders assists accountability and shine light on each other as you smash targets and grow.
Women in Leadership
Standing in your power is the strongest message Helen and her team will teach you. Data shows that women are underrepresented at all levels of decision-making worldwide, and achieving gender parity in political life is far off. Feminist Helen Tite works alongside you in confidence, vulnerability and courage. Guiding and enhancing soft skills that form the powerful essence of a female leader.
You will explore imposter syndrome and being marmite, address body positivity and emotional intelligence as part of the journey.