Dementia Friendly Community
It’s the whole community involvement that creates the love and support of the person living with Dementia.
Inspired to make a difference by losing a family member to CJD and another to Lewy Body Dementia. “They may not remember us but they will for a moment, remember how we made them feel.”
Turning to the fitness industry for the model of group exercise, and health for the understanding of the science behind Dementia, is where the creation of Smile and Reflect developed. Music, Movement, Laughter, Love and Fun allowed to create moments of utter joy.
Smile and Reflect has been delivered in Memory Cafes around the UK and used in Residential and Nursing Homes.

A little kindness
It started when we were invited to deliver a session at a Memory Cafe. On this day we changed the plan and followed some choreography whilst keeping the room in their chairs. We had no idea who the carer or the cared for were so we factored in safety first…
We started, they laughed and before we knew it the disengaged and the disorientated were joining in.
At the end of the session many in the room were asleep (as per our vision) and then the rest is history… we replicated the method over and over again with increasingly great results…
Smile and Reflect was born.

Smile & Reflect Training
One of the foundation products and services from iCareiMove.
This is specific to cognition and dementia. A programme that has been developed and widely used in Memory cafes throughout Cornwall.
The programme includes reminiscence using music and rhythm for cognitive stimulation. The movements are designed to maintain motor skills and improve mobility. Happy hormones (serotonin and endorphins) are stimulated through playful music and engagement. All programmes created are from evidence-based research. Towards the end of the session the participants feel calmer and can often feel so relaxed they fall asleep.

Power Down
Power Down is our relaxation and mindfulness program. It is often seen in its entirety or as a segment within a training session.
It is so important to reduce the stresses in our lives, so that we can function emotionally and mentally and live well with a positive mindset.
We show you what stress looks like inside your body and how stress presents itself in your body, your mind and your behaviour. We show you how to use coping strategies
breathing techniques,
visualisation, stretch, relax to de-stress being mindful to support your mental wellbeing.
Ready to become a Strength & Balance Coach?
We are looking to grow more Instructors to work with the ageing population.

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