This is Menopause First Aid
The Menopause First Aid 2 day course has been created to support best business practise, taking care of women’s health and working preventively so women can thrive in their mid life and live well.
There is a need to talk about Menopause and Mid-Life in the workplace. With the launch of the women’s health strategy, it is in the interest of businesses to address and update their policies.
Organisations are working alongside iCareiMove to embed a supportive culture for women’s health in the UK. There is a need to address bias, support and working with the team for better working practise

Menopause 101
Online Talk
Q & A
Everyone starts somewhere. Often the best way is to bring in the team for a talk. This opens up a conversation and gives insight to the needs of the business. If you want simply a small introduction to women’s health, this is a good place to start.
Although brilliant in it’s delivery, it is the start of understanding how a women’s health is impacted as she ages.

Menopause First Aid
2 days blended delivery
MANOpause for Men and Managers
Subscription to MenoMuse
Downloadable Meno Workbook
Downloadable Meno Guide
Ongoing Support
Downloadable resource pack
Menopause First Aid has proven successful when working with HR, OH and Equality and Diversity teams. Ambassadors are brought onto the program where training covers legal, strategic and leadership support. It details how to set up support groups and covers in greater depth current information to support businesses and their employees. Learners will have an opportunity to grow and begin to practise their learning.

HER Consultancy
12 Womens Health workshops over 12 months
Short courses linked to female health
Subscription to MenoMuse
Downloadable Meno Workbook
Downloadable Meno Guide
Ongoing Support
Video rights for recorded sessions
Coaching Support
Health MOT
Evolving into a business that fully supports women’s health can take time. iCareiMove deliver a series of sessions on multiple platforms in live and pre recorded formats that cover the whole person, her peers, and her health. Stress, sleep, diet and symptoms are all examples of how menopause is challenged and embraced.
We can advise on how to create and cascade an effective menopause policy, facilitate menopause champions in the workplace, menopause video content to inspire conversations and ensure reasonable adjustments are made to support female employees at work in order to retain staff and reduce absences.
Sample Pricing
Work with us to find the program that suits you best
Menopause 101
per month
Menopause First Aid
per month
HER Consultancy
per month
The workshop inspired me enough to have the courage to ask for help. I am not alone and am starting to feel like me again.
Becca S
Through Menopause Muse Group
We have missed a piece of work around ageing females. With this training, I have been able to integrate better support to our teams and be involved with the cascading of useful information. On a personal note, I think differently about my relationships with friends and colleagues.
Specialist Engineering Manager & Human Factors Lead, Rotary and Mission Systems
I have worked with Helen and her team over two organisations and continue to bring Helen in to embed better support for women’s health.
People & Communications Director
Take a look at our Consultancy Package
Become Menopausal Friendly
Action Learning and menopause
Being Proactive and Being Preventive orientated environment
Cover Inclusion & Ageing Policies
Implement Meno First Aid
Signposting Support & Red Flags
Access to Lunch and Learn films
Health MOT’s
Access to stress management programs.
Ready to become a Strength & Balance Coach?
We are looking to grow more Instructors to work with the ageing population.

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