Cornish Wellness Company, iCareiMove announces the launch of the re-imagined service of the Move More Falls Prevention Course, enabling those who are unsteady or may have fallen, to refer on to the 25 week digital program. To see if you or someone you know fits the criteria to join the Move More Re-Imagined programme, call Age UK Cornwall on 01872 266388. or FREE hotline 0800 0541 118.

What about Covid-19?
With Covid-19, we are no longer able to deliver Move More as we previously did in community venues, to our older population in Cornwall. We are desperately worried about our people who have been shielding. We need to keep people steady on their feet and we know that this programme can reduce falling, not to mention improve sense of wellbeing.”
Helen Tite Founder of iCareiMove
Impact of Move More
Many older people in Cornwall have already benefitted from Move More. Bob, a gentleman who has attended a previous course in Bodmin, said that it had made a great impact on himself and his wife. His wife says “Since attending this course he has made a lot of improvements. He is a faller (due to his condition). Now when he falls, I don’t panic. He doesn’t panic either. He pauses and then gets himself up. What a difference.”
Another client from Penzance said “I don’t think that the hip replacement will happen for a few years now. My pain has reduced, my mobility has increased and I regularly perform my exercises at home. I am more active than I have been in years” said Joan, “I can even walk up the stairs without holding on.”

Working in Partnership
The Move More programme is a collaboration with iCareiMove working together with Cornwall Council Public Health team, Community Physios, NHS, AGE UK Cornwall and the newest member of the alliance, ChaosTV.
I’m Interested – How do I sign up?
You can self-refer by calling the Age UK helpline or through your GP or NHS Physio to see if you are appropriate for the service. Call AGE UK Cornwall hotline on 01872 266388 and they will guide you on what happens next or call FREE hotline 0800 0541 118.
When Does it Start? I am not good on the internet?
We are looking to start in July. The sooner you contact Age Uk the Better. If you or your person isn’t so good with technology, don’t worry. Our lovely friends at Age UK Cornwall have volunteers on standby to help you get access to the MoveMore on-line sessions and will help with any assessments.
The Third Year Running
It will never be the same as being in a village hall and interacting, but in our new world the safety of our older people is so important. The Coaches in the program are on standby to help, guide and encourage you to feel stronger and more balanced. This is the second year that MoveMore will be running in Cornwall and we are hoping to have more people attending as we do not have the geographical boundaries to overcome now. We can reach more people.
Call the hotline 01872 266 388 or or call FREE hotline 0800 0541 118
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