The new round of online MoveMore Falls Prevention classes are about to launch and we want to share why it is so important that our older communities participate in them. We have pulled together our top reasons why you or someone you care about should be on this falls prevention course. Just get in touch.
1. Falls Prevention Classes improve happiness
Reported by all previous graduates that happiness and general sense of wellbeing improves as a direct result of attending MoveMore classes. Rob says “As a result of the classes I feel stronger, happier and more confident about the future. I have a form of progressive Parkinson’s”. We all want a happier future to look forward to.
2. We have spent the last year protecting our NHS – we can do more to reduce hospital admissions by doing simple exercises to stay steady
With costs to the economy amounting to over £2.3 billion last year, falls are serious, costly and often catastrophic. The evidenced based falls prevention classes demonstrate that gradual, consistent repetitive movements can make a difference. They can reduce falls and therefore fractures and create a better awareness to keep people steady on their feet. The sessions build on strength, balance and mobility which all help to keep our older people safer and steadier.
3. Loneliness is painful to watch
Joining MoveMore sessions means making friends. Being isolated has had a damaging impact on those shielding and there is always time for a chat, a story or jokes in the zoom classes. Our Movers look forward to the classes and leave with a big smile on their faces after having worked hard, relaxed and stretched and taken part in a group session.
4. You actually build confidence
Everyone who attends becomes quickly surprised at the speed of their progress no matter how small and they see the value in regularly attending the sessions. One graduate says “…it is lovely to meet up with everyone while our other activities have been cancelled for the past year…” Attendees or our “Movers” become more able to perform their daily activities such as putting their trousers or pants on! They can bend down to reach into low cupboards and get in and out of the car more easily. How great is that?
5. You feel happier about the future
When there is hope there is healing and there is something positive to look forward to. Each week, the group makes subtle improvements and talk about the future together. Who doesn’t want that for their health and wellbeing?
6. Making friends and joining our community is wonderful
iCareiMove’s Pro-Ageing Community is constantly growing. They are now training other Instructors to deliver MoveMore classes around the UK. Strength and Balance classes are seen in many areas, the community is staying in touch and looking forward to meeting up later this year.
7. You learn how to protect yourself should you fall
With all the fun and happiness there is a constant and underlying education about moving and protecting yourself. The class is reminded about how to safely build strength, how not to panic and how to rise off the floor in a clear and simple manner. At this point when you say “off the floor” people panic – the work is so subtle, no-one performs any movements that don’t seem appropriate. Everything is gently guided and simply wonderful.
8. There is always fun in finding new ways to move well
Sometimes the sessions become creative, why not play some music and bop around your kitchen? Public Health England are constantly talking about taking extra steps. The MoveMore Trainers explore ideas to be more active in the home environment and have fun demonstrating the 7 elements used in the sessions, including adapted Tai Chi.
9. It helps you relax and sleep better
Quality sleep and afternoon naps are a great topic of conversation. Partly due to the exertion in the sessions (not everyone can rest when they need to) but also connected to increased core stability which can improve the pelvic floor function and less inclination to pee so much at night. Who doesn’t want that in their lives? MoveMore is the gift that keeps giving!
10. You inspire others to MoveMore and sit less
Suddenly you are talking about what you have learned and how lovely the Instructors are (ahem) and before you know it, others want to join in too! And do you know what? That’s exactly what we want at iCareiMove. We want getting older to be magnificent, for older people to live longer and better. Just get in touch and the iCareiMove team will do all the rest.
Age UK 01872 266383 or iCareiMove office 0800 0541 118
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