everything you
do now is for
your future
iCareiMove offer a wide range of programs for managers and staff to support being well. These are mostly split in to three areas of expertise where you can either specialise or take a broader view of wellbeing training.
The Industrial Grand Challenges highlighted that we are an ageing workforce. Seeing that we are pensionable later, and living longer but not always living well, it is time we all took responsibility for our health. Focus on educating how to work well by living well. To act preventatively and learn how we can improve our own wellbeing, the wellbeing of the people around us, to aid those that we strive to support.
Training & Development
At iCareiMove, we wrap all training around the single solution to live well.
Never one size fits all when it comes to learning and growth. That is why we talk and build relationships to ensure that what you choose is the right thing for your business and value for your money.
We care about people.
We care that our training improves customers and communities.
There’s an old saying, usually attributed to Confucius, that goes something like “Give a man a fish, and you‘ll feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you‘ve fed him for a lifetime.” There’s an important life lesson in that simple statement. Apply the same saying to the workforce. Empower your own to do great things and embed a fantastic culture of wellbeing.
Helen Tite CEO and Founder of iCareiMove Coaching Academy
The Whole Approach
Mental Wellbeing Training
It started with the science behind hormones and stress. Before long we were teaching mindfulness, meditation and understanding our emotional intelligence to promote soft skills. The favourite topic right now is around Menopause. By talking about the ageing body and creating a safe space to discuss issues, we are building a midlife community supporting each other. This includes men and managers.
Moving Well Training
Prevention is key right? So where do we start? Let’s start at teaching you to move better. We have training programs for teams to move better, falls prevention training and even moving solutions for the oldest old, even chair classes for those with dementia. We are never too old to give up or give up on others. Our accredited and endorsed programs cover the life span, with specialities in later life movement too.
Biz Development Training
Growing stronger teams to help them in our new times, addressing resilience and mindful leadership. People using people as a force for good. Business training focuses on the soft skills to improve relationships, team agility, enhancing emotional awareness, increasing listening and decision-making skills and helping to reduce stress which in turn increases productivity.
Themed Total Immersion Training
Organisations are pulling combination packages together so their trainers can specialise in areas appropriate to their organisational needs. Becoming an iCareiMove Trainer in the longer term, reduces the costs of frequent up-skilling with Consultants ( “Give a man a fish, and you’ll feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you’ve fed him for a lifetime.” ) There’s an important message for businesses in that simple statement. iCareiMove themed Total Immersion Training can be midlife focused including workforce and menopause and the other older adult programmes, including falls prevention. That is the beauty of working with reactive organisations like iCareiMove so that we can help build the best solutions for you.