Online Training with iCareiMove
From Business Coaching to Public Speaking, Online Courses to Live Webinars, iCareiMove helps you to build a healthy, fulfilled and happier workforce.
We help businesses to understand, maintain and build flourishing workforces.
Design is how you make your first impression with your customers. Make sure it is a lasting one.

Strength and Balance Instructors VIDEO Course
Falls prevention has been part of our portfolio since 2012 and educating about falls reduction since 2006. This is the “How to” for older adults in communities & digital.
Strength, balance and getting older. A short course for Carers
We know the importance of keeping as well as possible and that includes daily activity. Introducing a short course on strength and balance.

Menopause First Aid in the Workplace
Many firms are in danger of losing some of their most experienced women due to menopause. As employers what could you do to retain them? Menopause first aid addresses the challenges that symptoms can bring in the work environment.

Smile and Reflect Dementia
Music based seated activities which are suitable for cognitive impairment and forms of dementia. Seen in Memory Cafes, Dementia Homes and Home Care sessions to address mental agility and happiness. The reminiscence, reflective and de-stressing method to promote a sense of wellbeing & calmness.

We offer a range of work based online courses.
The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well the product or service fits them perfectly and sells itself.
Ready to start your project?
Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.

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