The Heel Pump will literally save your life
Because they have such an important role they were given the name The Second Heart as a reward. And face it, no one likes to feel dizzy. It can be dangerous and falls could happen.
Because they have such an important role they were given the name The Second Heart as a reward. And face it, no one likes to feel dizzy. It can be dangerous and falls could happen.
The new round of online MoveMore Falls Prevention classes are about to launch and we want to share why it is so important that our older communities participate in them. …
iCareiMove the New Training provider for BlueBird Care Wellness Anarchist, Helen Tite, the Health and Wellbeing entrepreneur, is the new training provider with BlueBird Care Franchise Group. Business disruptor, Helen …
He had the courage to try again with falls prevention. Four years have passed since the last falls prevention course and time had taken its toll. Tom used to come …
Harry’s Story Harry came to our Move More assessment day so that we could ensure that he was suitable to attend the course. He was obviously very frail and came …
You fall … whats next? Our job is to keep you steady on your feet, no matter what age you are. But what happens when you fall and you are …