Menopause first aid addresses the challenges that symptoms can bring in the work environment. Covering Menopause policy and creating support strategies for mid-life and those working in female teams. Menopause is not prioritised in diversity and equality and needs to have greater support. Menopause first aid in the workplace offers solutions to support women better during her menopause.
“Many firms are in danger of losing some of their most experienced and highly qualified women without realizing the true reason, or what they, as employers, could do to retain them.”
FORBES Magazine
- Desensitise by discussion
- Empower employees through a Menopause Muse Scheme
- Develop Menopause Awareness Community in the form of forum/meetups/information sharing
- Talking frankly about the headlines of menopause and starting to look at menopausal statistics in whole of life and workplace environments.
- Workplace.
- Normalising the conversation
- Symptoms check list – so much more than hot flushes.
- Shame, courage and myths
- Empathy and Emotional Intelligence
- Strategies to deal with change of health
- Stress and its impact on menopausal symptoms and the team
- Sustainable changes to improve team health
- Self-Care and preventative strategies
- Bringing it all together
- Getting the right support
- Building a support network